Request for Applications

2025 Notice of Funding Opportunity



Pre Proposal, New Applications and Resubmissions:

  • Pre-proposals/LOI (Letter of Intent) must be submitted no later than Monday, July 8, 2024 - 5:00 PM
  • New application due date (invitation only): Monday, August 12, 2024 - 5:00 PM
  • Earliest start date: January 2025

Criteria for Evaluation

Awards will be based primarily on scientific merit, including significance, innovation, originality of approach, technical merit, and consistency with institutional interests and goals. The quality of co-PI collaboration, the PI leadership plan, justification of the budget, and potential for future funding will also be considered. Inclusion of preliminary data supporting the proposed study is recommended. In the absence of preliminary data, strong literature support for the planned study is required. The focus will be on funding high-impact, paradigm-shifting, innovative projects.  Consequently, the application must clearly describe the potential impact of the project on the field and highlight its innovative elements.  Applications are expected to appropriately address issues of rigor and reproducibility Proposals will be reviewed by a panel of reviewers selected to include those with extramural funding and service on federal grant review panels. A subset of the panel with expertise in social, behavioral and qualitative research may review applications focused on such studies. To the extent that it can be maintained in the review process, applications will be kept confidential, but the abstracts of funded projects will be published.

Principal Investigator Requirements

  • GRASP: two faculty co-Principal Investigators from different schools on the LLU campus.
  • GRASP-FMG: two co-Principal Investigators. One co-PI must be an LLU faculty member. The second co-PI must be a non-MD healthcare provider or specialist with an advanced degree in a healthcare specialty and an employee of LLU-FMG.
  • GRASP-MC: two co-Principal Investigators. One co-PI must be an LLU faculty member. The second co-PI must be a non-MD health care provider or specialist with an advanced degree in a health care specialty and an employee of LLUMC.
  • GRASP-Intl: two co-Principal Investigators. One co-PI must be an LLUH faculty member. The second co-PI must be a professional with a post-baccalaureate degree and employed by an international SDA hospital, medical center, college or university.
  • SIMS: The project must be directed by an eligible LLU PI from any LLU school. The research collaborator must be from an R1 research institution (  and have expertise in the discipline relevant to the application. He or she must also have a primary appointment corresponding to this expertise.

Eligibility for Previous GRASP & SIMS Recipients; See Link Below for Each

(One page for each previous GRASP awardee, to be submitted with LOI form): If one or both of the applicants is a previous GRASP recipient, provide the following for each previous GRASP award.

Application Format

Text must be 11 point or larger with six lines per inch and margins of at least one-half inch. The sections identified below may not exceed their indicated page limits. Headers, footers, and appendices are not allowed. The following sections are expected:

Title Page (one page): Include the title of the project, names of both principal investigators, their contact information (including institutional e-mail, phone numbers, WhatsAPP Id, Skype Id, Zoom Id, name of department or center), a list of all key personnel involved in the project, and total dollars requested.

Abstract & Key Words (up to 30 lines of text): The project summary/abstract is a succinct and accurate description of the proposed work and should be able to stand on its own (separate from the application). This section should be informative to other persons working in the same related fields and understandable to a scientifically literate reader. Please be concise. State the applications broad, longterm objectives and specific aims, making reference to the health-relatedness of the project. Describe the research design and methods for achieving the stated goals. Be sure that the project summary reflects the key focus of the proposed project....... Four to six keywords are required to identify the general area of research and the principal elements of the study.

Biographical Sketches (up to five pages per investigator): Provide NIH style biosketches of the co-Principal Investigators and key personnel (Other Significant Contributors) in the format provided link (see the Biographical Sketch Format Page and Biographical Sketch Sample at

Budget (template generated in LLeRA):  Please refer to the NOFO

Budget Justification (one page): Indicate the purpose of supplies, support personnel, and other costs.

Research Plan (6 Pages):

Provide information for the five subsections described below:

  1. Introduction to Revised Application (one page, required only for revised applications): Summarize the substantial additions, deletions and changes to your application. In addition, concisely address each of the concerns raised by the previous reviewers.
  2. Specific Aims (one page):  “State concisely the goals of the proposed research and summarize the expected outcome(s), including the impact that the results of the proposed research will exert on the research field(s) involved.  List succinctly the specific objectives of the research proposed.” (Text taken from NIH instructions)
  3. Leadership Plan (one page):  Both PIs must make major contributions to the project with each individual taking responsibility for approximately half of the study activities.  Indicate the scope of work for each PI.  State how the PIs will coordinate their activities, resolve problems, and allocate responsibilities for management and reporting.
  4. Future Directions (one page): Describe the background leading to the present application. State the significance and usefulness of the proposed research to unsolved problems in science, health care, public health, society, the environment, industry, agriculture, etc.
  5. Research Strategy (limited to 6 pages):  A total of six pages are allowed for the subsections of Significance, Innovation, and Approach.  Suggested allocations of this space for those three subsections are noted below. (Text taken from NIH instructions)
    • Significance (suggested length, ½ page):  “Explain the importance of the problem or critical barrier to progress in the field that the proposed project addresses.  Explain how the proposed project will improve scientific knowledge, technical capacity, and/or clinical practice in one or more broad fields.  Describe how the concepts, methods, technologies, treatments, services, or preventative interventions that drive this field will be changed if the proposed aims are achieved.” 
    • Innovation (suggested length, ½ page):  “Explain how the application challenges and seeks to shift current research or clinical practice paradigms.  Describe any novel theoretical concepts, approaches or methodologies, instrumentation or interventions to be developed or used, and any advantage over existing methodologies, instrumentation, or interventions.  Explain any refinements, improvements, or new applications of theoretical concepts, approaches or methodologies, instrumentation, or interventions.”
    • Approach (suggested length, 5 pages):  “Describe the overall strategy, methodology, and analyses to be used to accomplish the specific aims of the project. . . Include how the data will be collected, analyzed, and interpreted as well as any resource sharing plans, as appropriate.  Discuss potential problems, alternative strategies, and benchmarks for success anticipated to achieve the aims.  If the project is in the early stages of development, describe any strategy to establish feasibility, and address the management of high risk aspects of the proposed work.  Point out any procedures, situations, or materials that may be hazardous to personnel and precautions to be exercised.”
    • Leadership Plan (one page): Both PIs must make major contributions to the project. Indicate the individual research assignments of the PIs. State how the PIs will coordinate their activities, resolve problems, and allocate responsibilities for management and reporting.
    • Future Directions (one page): Briefly describe the future directions to be taken with this project, assuming that this initial phase is successful. For example, describe grants or industry funding to be applied for and how the preliminary data obtained in this first phase will enhance those applications. Also, if this pilot data will allow design of a larger study, describe briefly the anticipated study design for this larger study.
  6. References: Include references that demonstrate the need for this research, establish feasibility for hypotheses and procedures, and provide support for the approach.  Include titles and authors.
  7. Letters of Support: Letters of support from key personnel and consultants are encouraged.
  8. Compliance: When the proposal involves human embryonic stem cells, ionizing radiation, laboratory animals, human subjects, or other elements that requires approval by an oversight committee, integrate the descriptions into the Research Strategy section. If the proposal is awarded, separate applications must be made to the appropriate oversight committee before the work can begin, e.g., Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), Institutional Review Board (IRB), Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC), Stem Cell Research Oversight Committee (SCRO).
  9. Final Report: Extensions of the project period will follow NIH guidance. Within 60 days of the end of the project
    period, a final report is due. It should include accomplishments, significant results, manuscripts prepared for publication, and plans for extramural grant applications. Contact Post Award for information, ext 44589.
  10. Resubmission Applications: By invitation only
    • All resubmission applications must include: Introduction to Revised Application (one page, required only for revised applications): Summarize the substantial additions, deletions and changes to your application. In addition, concisely address each of the concerns raised by the previous reviewers.


Pre Proposal and Full Application Process:

A Pre Proposal must be accompanied with a pre proposal face page including the signatures of both PIs – submit it to Cindy Dickson ( or fax (909-558-0244) by 5 PM on the pre proposal deadline. International GRASP direct all inquiries to Wesley James, If selected an invite to submit a full application will be sent via email. Instructions for both the pre proposal and full application are in the RFA.


  • Scientific Merit: Michael Samardzija, ext. 88544
  • Eligibility Information:  Cindy Dickson, ext. 44571
  • General Technical and Application Guidance: Contact Pre Award
  • Award Management: Post Award, ext. 44589

Previous Awardees

Gina Siapco and Sandaly Oliveira Da Silva Pacheco Adventist Health, Lifestyle and Environmental Study in Argentina (AHLESA)
Xu, David (Yi) Xu and Olivia Francis-Boyle Combination of Anti-PD1 Therapy and Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes for the Treatment of Acute Myeloid Leukemia.
Eileen Brantley and Umesh Gangadharmath MC - 18F-FAPI PET as a novel non-invasive tool for imaging triple negative breast cancer
Brenda Lynn Bartnik-Olson and Duc Tran MC - Ketogenic Diet and Functional Recovery in Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Olayemi O Adeoye and Eugenia Matagreenwood Molecular markers of steroid sensitivity in fetal immune and endothelial cells
Maya M. Boustani and Sigrid Burruss Youth Alternative Solutions Program: Developing and testing the effectiveness of an innovative program to reduce substance use involvement
in youth living in an underserved community
2018 awardees
Johnny Figueroa
Ike De La Pena
Brain Monoamine Neurotransmission as Pathological Hub in Obesity-Mediated Mental Disorders
2017 awardees
Lida Gharibvand and Valeri Filippov The association between air pollution and biological aging and cognition
Jisoo Oh and Maria Filippova Comparison of DNA methylation profiles in leukocytes, prostate cancer tissues and adjacent prostate tissues among vegans and non-vegetarians
Denise Bellinger and Richard Hartman Activation of Caloric Deficit Pathways by an FDA-Approved Kv1 Channel Blocker: Treatment for Obesity?
So Ran Kwon and Christopher Perry Bioengineered Materials to Modulate the Cariogenic Potential of Dental Biofilm
Fayth Miles and Favio Pacheco (GRASP-Intl) Inflammatory responses associated with N-glycolylneuraminic acid comparing vegetarian and nonvegetarian dietary patterns of participants in the Adventist Health Study-2
2016 awardees
Lisa Roberts and Susanne Montgomery Understanding Health and Emotional Responses and Perceptions of Asian Indian Needs (HER-PAIN)
Kristopher Boyle and Eileen Brantley AhR agonist analogs as novel agents to treat refractory breast cancer
Ellen D'Errico and Gayathri Nagaraj Intraneural facilitation: managing chemotherapy-indirect peripheral neuropathy
2015 awardees
Samuel Barnes and Grace Lee The effect of aging and dietary pattern on blood-brain barrier integrity
Ahmed Khocht and Michael Orlich The Effect of a Vegetarian Diet on Periodontal Status
Matilda Sheng and Yiming Li Aging-related bone loss and bone repletion
Bendan Gongol and Salvador Soriano The role of vascular hemodynamics on the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's
2014 awardees
Traci Marin and Christopher Wilson AMPK epigenetically modulates respiratory pattern response to oxidative stress
Xiangpeng Yuan and Wei-Xing Shi iPSCs as Stem Cell Therapy for Neonatal Brain Ischemia
Grace Lee and Nicole Gatto Dietary Patterns and Cognitive Dysfunction in the Aged: Adventist Health Study-2
Raymond Knutsen and Penelope Duerksen-Hughes The Association Between Adverse Life Events and Biological Aging
2013 awardees
Takkin Lo and Traci Marin Angiogenesis: mechanisms in normoxia, hypoxia, and hyperoxia
Stephen Dunbar and Danilo Boskovic Heavy metals and POPs in Hawksbills and their prey implications for human health
Rodrigo Viecilli and Serkan Inceoglu Biomechanics of severe apical root resorption
2012 awardees
Xeuzhong Qin and Wei-Xing Shi

Role of miRNA223 in Multiple Sclerosis

Cameron Neece and Lisa Roberts Supporting Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and Challenging Behavior: A Pilot Study of the MAPS Project
Valeri Filippov and Karen Jaceldo Discovery of Serum Mediators, Biomarkers and Pathways that Reflect the Effects of Diet, Gender, Physical Activity and Race
2011 awardees
Richard Hartman and Ying Nie The Long-Term Behavioral and Neuropathological Effects of Radiation-Induced Growth Hormone Deficiency
Kevin Nick and Kerby Oberg Characterization of “Irritant Soil” in Ethiopia and its Role in Podoconiosis
Mathew Kattadiyil and Susan Hall Are Bone Turnover Markers Associated With Frequency of Complete Denture Relines?
Victoria Maskiewicz and Serkan Inceoglu Novel Orthopedic Cements for the Controlled Delivery of Antibiotics in the Treatment of Prosthetic Infection in Total Joint Arthroplasty
2010 awardees
Robert Ostrowski and Lei (Helen) Huang Hyperbaric oxygen treatment improves outcomes following repetitive mild juvenile traumatic brain injury
Everett Lohman III and David Hessinger Mechanism of vibration-induced skin blood flow
Wu Zhang and Xiaobing Zhang Treating Periodontal Disease with iPS cell-derived Mesenchymal Stem cells in a Rat Model
Christopher Perry and Steven Kurti Laser Assisted Polymer Mediated Size and Shape Control of Gold Nanoparticles
David Weldon and Kimberly Payne Natural Product Therapy to Inhibit B Cell Precursor Proliferation


The Office of the Vice President for Research Affairs is pleased to request applications for the 2025 Grants for Research and School Partnerships Program. These awards provide support for investigators from different schools to collaborate in pioneering research projects. GRASP & SIMS are designed to be a pilot award that focuses on collaborative partnerships with the goal of increasing the ability of new researchers to apply for extramural grants.