girl looking at a computer


Grant Cycle

1. Conceive the Idea

  1. A LLU investigator may initiate and submit an unsolicited application to a sponsor to request financial support for a research project.

    Solicited applications are initiated from the sponsor, based on their research program goals. You may or may not choose to "respond" to these opportunities.

    Conceive Ideas


2. Find Funding

3. Plan the Proposal

The planning stages of a proposal are crucial, and will determine the proposal’s ultimate success or failure. Four important considerations are:

  1. Notifying the proper people: of your intent to submit a proposal
  2. Key budget issues: Special budgetary issues may take extra time and consideration – that’s why you must start on them now.
  3. Award type: Proposal preparation, institutional review and approval, and proposal submission all differ depending on the type of award (gift, grant, contract, prime vs. sub-award, etc).
  4. Proposal type: Proposal preparation also varies by type of proposal (formal vs. informal; new vs. revised, etc).
  5. Submission Process: Will you submit your proposal as a paper application, or electronically? Find out now so that you know what steps you will need to take, what forms to complete, and which administrative office to work with.

Plan the Proposal

4. Prepare the Proposal

  1. Draft a Preliminary Budget: Drafting a preliminary budget and getting it approved by SPFM helps work out special budgetary issues in a timely manner. See also the Budget Templates under Forms & Online Tools.
  2. Write the Research Plan: See LLU’s guidance and tools for writing the best research plan possible.
  3. Assemble the Proposal Package: Assemble all the required forms for your proposal and finalize the budget.

Prepare the Proposal

5. Get Approvals

The LLU Transmittal is an internal routing form that includes:

  • Key information about the PI and the project
  • Key information about the sponsor, and
  • A list of questions to determine which, if any, specific approvals may be required for the project. These specific approvals could be related to partnerships/collaborations, quality control, or financial issues.

Some approvals are required at the time of award. Other approvals are required prior to submission. It is the investigator’s responsibility to determine the time for specific approvals for the grant he/she is applying for.

To get required approvals, follow the LLU Transmittal Process:

  1. At least 2 weeks before the sponsor deadline
  2. At least 10 business days before the sponsor deadline
  3. At least 5 business days before the sponsor deadline

Get Approvals

6. Submit the Proposal

7. Before the Award

  1. “Just-in-Time” information
  2. Negotiations with the sponsor: Learn how LLU and the PI work together to negotiate with the sponsor to get the best award possible.
  3. Starting Work Early: Want to start, but don’t have the official award notice yet? Learn the proper procedures here.

Before the Award

9. Set Up the Award

  1. Learn the required steps to Set up the Award Account
  2. Learn how to Initiate Sub-awards
  3. Responsible Conduct of Research: Follow applicable approval requirements for research involving human subjects, animals, radioactive chemicals or biohazardous materials, etc. This section also describes the Research Conflict of Interest policy & procedure.

Set Up the Award

10. Start Work and Spending Funds